After our last multi-family getaway with The Mommies, we settled on Gilroy Gardens as a must-do with our almost 2 year olds.
One hour away? Got it.
Discounted tickets? Check.
The Husband taking time off to join us? BAM.
Three excitement crazed 2 1/2 ft. tall munchkins with backpacks, strollers and crackers? On our way!
We had a blast! Not quite the Disneyland wonder but what's not to love about a botanical garden, toddler approved rides, trains, mazes, best friends, overpriced lunches, and 90 degree weather?!
1. The famous artichoke spin. Daddy and son approved. 2. Stealing mommy's heart. 3. With some tiger growls, any picture is fun. 4. The Husbands planning our day of adventure. I just love this picture.
Best buddy love time. A day of giggles, hand holding, half hugs, smiles, sippy cups and crackers.
1. Pretty sure they are related... 2. Don't let this smile fool you. Most of the ride was spent clutching the sides of this fish with a fearful death grip. 3 and 4. J's favorite ride of all time. His first solo ride at an amusement park.::sniffle:: Not gonna lie. This was sort of a slap of reality that we are so very close to having a 2 year old running around.
1. Best hugs evahhh. 2. The Mommies and their girls. LOVE these ladies. 3. The Husband and his Munchkin. My boys.
Showing posts with label On the Move. Show all posts
Showing posts with label On the Move. Show all posts
August Break + Insta-Friday = Photo Recap Extravaganza!!
My goal was to make it out to the porch with coffee in hand and just sit. Sit in the quiet before the rest of the fam joined me. Mornings in the woods are an absolute favorite of mine. You can't make that stuff up. Seriously, I could get used to this.
I traveled back in time. Any town that includes a cowboy that kneels down in the dirt with his guitar to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Munch is all right with me. Doesn't hurt that I just happened to bring my cowboy hat with me.
I took a vacation recovery day on Monday and skipped the office. My new office? Sand, ocean water, and my two favorite boys. Bliss.
I love these eyes. These eyes love Monsters, Inc.
Green with envy.
Not sure but I'm pretty sure that Grandma C and Grandpa D could use a few more toys. Poor J is such a deprived and unloved child in this house. How does he do it???
Dear Simply Fondue, You make me happy. Cheese. Amazing. Meat. Awesome. Chocolate. There are no words. Please excuse me as the Husband rolls me out.
Sprawled out in Adventureland
Yet another mommy experience first for me last week. One that I pray I never have to experience on a grander scale. The result?
My knee.
Cute huh?
Let me set the scene: Disneyland. Last Friday night. We were jetting around the park with 5 adults and 2 1-year olds. I offered to be the one to stay with the kids while the others went on Indiana Jones. One kid was in the stroller, the other was corralled between two strollers. “No problem! I’ve got this.” Riggghhhhtttt.
As soon as the group was out of sight I sat down criss-cross style on the ground to hang out with the kiddos. K (in the stroller) started to spit her pacifier out...continually. No problem! Munch was distracted by his stroller wheel so I decided to take a minute and dig out some mum-mum crackers that I know K loved.
As I was digging (of course they were farther down in the diaper bag than I remembered), I see Munch out of the corner of my eye take off through the smallest window of space. Stinker boy took off in a run into the crowd of people walking by. My heart ... stopped.
Mom thought: It's amazing how many thoughts can go through your mind when you only have seconds to figure out what you need to do and how you are supposed to do it all. Most of mine were dramatic. 1. I need to grab Munchkin before he is GONE. TRAMPLED. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. 2. I need to keep one eye on K while I grab Munch so she is not kidnapped while I am not looking . 3. I need to get off of my butt!!!! Step #3 was actually what caused the most problems.
I lunged out to try and grab Munch but he was too quick. As I scrambled to get up, my feet never quite de-criss crossed themselves and I stumbled about 3-4 times, only making it up about 2/3 of the way off the ground before landing knee first with my whole body following. I was LITERALLY sprawled out in the middle of Adventureland. classy.
My knee was numb so without thinking twice I looked up and again reached for the running (and now LAUGHING child). Apparently this was one amazing game mommy and Munch were playing. Thankfully while one guy attempted to help me up another guy stepped in front of Munch who got scared and toppled over. What. A. Scene.
I faked an "I've got everything under control" attitude. Got myself up, walked over to the laughing again Munch, and made my way back to K who was now only a few feet away.
Sigh. Munch and K were fine. I was shaking, emotionally numb and crippled.
With all the cameras out I am positive that I am going to find myself on YouTube somewhere.
As I was digging (of course they were farther down in the diaper bag than I remembered), I see Munch out of the corner of my eye take off through the smallest window of space. Stinker boy took off in a run into the crowd of people walking by. My heart ... stopped.
Mom thought: It's amazing how many thoughts can go through your mind when you only have seconds to figure out what you need to do and how you are supposed to do it all. Most of mine were dramatic. 1. I need to grab Munchkin before he is GONE. TRAMPLED. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. 2. I need to keep one eye on K while I grab Munch so she is not kidnapped while I am not looking . 3. I need to get off of my butt!!!! Step #3 was actually what caused the most problems.
I lunged out to try and grab Munch but he was too quick. As I scrambled to get up, my feet never quite de-criss crossed themselves and I stumbled about 3-4 times, only making it up about 2/3 of the way off the ground before landing knee first with my whole body following. I was LITERALLY sprawled out in the middle of Adventureland. classy.
My knee was numb so without thinking twice I looked up and again reached for the running (and now LAUGHING child). Apparently this was one amazing game mommy and Munch were playing. Thankfully while one guy attempted to help me up another guy stepped in front of Munch who got scared and toppled over. What. A. Scene.
I faked an "I've got everything under control" attitude. Got myself up, walked over to the laughing again Munch, and made my way back to K who was now only a few feet away.
Sigh. Munch and K were fine. I was shaking, emotionally numb and crippled.
With all the cameras out I am positive that I am going to find myself on YouTube somewhere.
Heart Attack,
On the Move,
Airplane Thoughts - Part 1
3 ½ hours in. Feels like 7. Why 7? Sounded like a good number...other than 3.5.
I'm trying to wrap my brain around airplane engineers. I know I know. I have all the time in the world right now and I are thinking about engineers? Yes. Why? Somewhere between the zero to none gap between my knees and the seat in front of me along with the seats that feel like that hard foam they use for packaging tech-y things I started to wonder...Do airplane engineers, the people who actually design the inside of these airplanes, ever sit in their masterpieces? Have they ever flown from San Francisco to Miami and at 3.5 hours in realize “Gee, this was some poor planning.”
The guy in front of me is attempting to use his jacket as some sort of scarf. No wait. Headdress? Aaah...Nope, a pillow. Have you ever seen a man in a business suit wrap a coat around his head so he could lay against a window? Only on an airplane.
I lucked out and was able to hand over my original window seat for a family of 3 taking up 2 seats. I'm a mom. I know. They needed all the room they could get. Plus, their little guy was wearing a shirt that Munch used to wear. Soft spot. I miss him already. It was weird saying good-bye this morning. I had a mom moment. Teared up. I told him not to grow up too much while I am gone this week. He grunted and rolled over so I'm holding him to his non-verbal agreement he made with me.
You know what's awkward? The people standing in the aisle waiting to use the restroom. No one knows who to look at, which direction to stand, or even what posture they should have. Where in your everyday life do you stand so close to someone sitting down that your hip is at their ear level? This is another “only in an airplane” phenomenon. Yet another question I would like to pose to the airplane engineers. Really guys? This is the best you could do?
I think it's time for another movie. Or maybe a nap. Oh the possibilities! ;)
Monday Morning Laugh
Not only is Munch climbing on and over everything imaginable, he is also climbing IN things. Apparently the idea of being able to spin around was too appealing to pass up. Slight problem...I'm pretty sure he did not plan on getting stuck. Oh my boy, you are too funny.
Happy Monday folks!
Please send a vote my way (two clicks - That's all!). Better Yet - Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect found on the right hand corner of my home page. You'll be glad you did. Promise.
Happy Monday folks!
Please send a vote my way (two clicks - That's all!). Better Yet - Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect found on the right hand corner of my home page. You'll be glad you did. Promise.
A Motherly Revelation
I had a revelation today. Yes - A mother's revelation. It's not anything deep or mind altering, just a simple fact: My little guy is growing up. Yes, he's a little boy. How did I come upon this revelation?
Costco...the wonderland of pallets, christmas light sales and enough toilet paper to wrap the world has given me a gage to monitor J's growth. Today was the day that I noticed how accurate of a gage Costco actually is. Let me share the progression.
Month one...
Quiet. Calm. I remember the days that we could wander through the aisles in peace.
Add some legs that crawl and stand, a teething, drooly mess of a mouth, a wiggly butt and you get...
Month Nine...
Note the lounge position. Carefully executed requiring a precise swivel technique (one that he likes to whip out when you are holding him with one arm) and determined arm extensions. Thank goodness for those locking seat belts. I'm not quite sure how much longer the shopping cart cover will make sense...doesn't do much good lately as he can always seem to find the only exposed segment of cart to chew on. GROSS.
Vomit vs. Drool
Literally I have been holding off on sharing my adventure of dog vomit, xrays, digested rocks, drool, poop, and boxes for the sheer reason of not wanting to jinx the recovery of all involved. BUT now, real food is back in the bowl and the stomach, the tooth is in, the dog is washed...and all is well. I may have a few bald spots from pulling my hair out but all is well. :)
Let's start with the canine.
My dog is an emotional roller coaster. She always has been and I have a dreaded hunch that she always will be. Ryan and I were beyond cautious about when and where we were placing and unpacking our boxes. We have learned that a huge trigger of our pup's emotional state is moving. Literally she refuses to eat, drink and/or be merry whenever there are boxes around. Well, in this case, our busy schedule has prevented us from unpacking at a faster pace SO there are boxes everywhere! After spending a good chunk of the day going through garage boxes, I came back in from the garage to find Vomit #1. Okay - maybe we had overdone the boxes. She was upset. Gave a treat or two and sent her on her way. 4 hours later = Vomit #2. 4 hours after that = Vomit #3. Then it was every hour. EVERY HOUR. Shoot.
Word to the wise, if your'e dog gets sick. I highly recommend that they get sick during the week. If not, all vet's are booked and your left with Doggy 911 - the Emergency Vet Clinic. Long story short and $450 later, my dog ate rocks.
Fish tank rocks that she found in a planter box outside. Thankfully they were "passable" (whoa) so we left the clinic after an anti-vomit, anti-acid and some fluid were flowing through her.
And now the boy.
A few days after the vomit extravaganza, the drool Munchkin went on a rampage chewing carpet corners, table legs, shoe get the picture. I swear this kid has been teething since he was four months old and we had nothing but soggy bibs to show for it. I'd been planning what my lines were going to be when I dropped my toothless kindergartner off for his first day of school. When the drool kicked into high gear and the poop started flowing (yes, that is the appropriate word of choice), I knew something was going on. Several doses of non-Tylenol brand pain relief and endless applications of Butt Paste, Munchkin is officially the owner of his first tooth! And folks, my thoughtful Munch allowed that little tooth to pop up on my birthday.
Last night was a night to celebrate. Happy dog. Happy boy. Happy parents. All in the same room with no boxes lining the walls of the room.
Just don't check the closets. ;)
Attack of the Sleep-Stander!
Jackson inherited a true Bicker trait: Sleep-walking. Well, in his case, it's sleep-standing. 3:30 am is the hour of choice. After being an 8:00-6:00 sleeper for several months, he decided to switch things up - Right at a time in life where Ry and I need sleep the most. I've got to hand it to him, He's a trooper. Not only has he been teething, growing, eating more solids, crawling and now pulling himself up on everything in sight, he's living in-between boxes and sleeping in a new room. Last Saturday was our official Move to Livermore day and to summarize the entire week prior and the week after thus far can be done in 3 words: I am pooped! J is an overall pretty easy kid, the hard part came after working an 8-hour day, finding time to keep up with feeding, laundry and play time for everyone, attempting to keep a normal routine for J and then packing/unpacking. I'm truly not trying to complain, I am venting confusion and asking for help. Here's the deal:
1. J crawls and stands everywhere and on everything. He loves to stand in his crib - He gets this very proud grin all over his face when he does. The problem there is that he has not mastered the ability to sit down from a standing position. Unless he topples over on accident, he is stuck standing.
2. Ever since he could move, J has tossed and turned in his sleep. I never know what corner I will find him curled up in when I go to check on him at night.
3. Put two and two together at 3:30 am and we have a problem. A little boy standing in his crib (got there in his sleep) who cannot put himself back to sleep because he is stuck standing which then wakes him up resulting in tears. On a normal night (non-sleep standing), I use the CIO method which is awesome for a kid who can put himself back to sleep in a matter of minutes. However, in this scenario, that just seems cruel.
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