15 days ago.
Our 7 lb.+ little guy (or as we like to refer to him lately...the Goat because of his very cute grunts and bleats) is getting some cheeks on him! I guess he's bound to when a body that little jumps from 6 lbs. 5 oz. to 7 lb. 3 oz. in one week.

Looking back at our week, we are definitely keeping ourselves busy! From a 2 week old doctor appointment, to a way too painful flu shot, from a trip to Costco, to watching 49er and A's games (Yay!), and of course, the awesome picnic lunches at the park. The Husband and I knew that when our time off from work kicked in once Little Guy came into our lives, we needed to leave the house at least once a day. Not for anything crazy...just enough to feel like we are "normal." I wish I could say that the only reason for that was to give Munch some outside playtime and people interaction because we are just that awesome of parents. Nope. The Husband and I needed that extra shove out the door to ensure we didn't turn into hermits that lost track of days and times during these first few weeks... Those first few weeks can do weird things to you...we wanted to avoid that and remember to shower. So, even if the one outing was yet another trip to Target for a light bulb at 7pm, it was necessary.
Yesterday we put our much anticipated
double stroller to the test...and it was a hit!!! The Husband was one of the Apple
nerds advocates that was up at 1am to order the new iPhone 5. He wanted to take a trip to the Apple store to buy another cable. That worked out in my favor as I wanted to hit up Bath and Body Works for some yummy Fall smelling goodies since October is right around the corner. And so a trip to the mall was in store...time to bust out the new wheels!!!
Munch was in heaven. Literally he almost forgot to bring his pirate with him, which in our house, is a BIG deal. A new ride that he can "hide" in (pull the sun screen down) AND Kee-Kee hanging out next to him?! Life doesn't get much better. I mean look at that smirk!
I don't know if there is a toddler out there who loves his little brother more than Munch loves Little Guy. I mean seriously. Have you heard of a 2 1/2 year old bawling after the buzzer went off in the kitchen that we had to set indicating that it was time to let someone else hold the baby? Yea...
Melts my heart.
IMG 4352 from
Ryan Bicker on
Goodness I love these boys.
P.S. Kee-Kee is still Little Guy's nickname around the house. Crazy, yet catchy.
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