Five weeks. FIVE WEEKS folks and I was already having to use a rubber band to hold le pantaloons up.
And 14 week belly is housing a little person the size of a navel orange with gusto. I looked back through my journal for comparison, my belly was 39" at 17 weeks with Jackson.
Hello 40" at 14 weeks.
- How far along? Almost 14 Weeks
- Total weight gain: 4 pounds? I really have no clue. My scale at home is more kind than the doctor's. I'll use my home scale for reference to make myself feel better.
- Maternity clothes? Oh dear me yes.
- Stretch marks? No new ones....Yet...
- Sleep: Not the greatest...I actually slept better through the first trimester. Boo! I know am having to wake up at least once a night for the pee ritual. Not just that but the belly is at a point where finding a comfy position is easier said than done.
- Best moment this week: Positively feeling Little Person move. :) I thought I had felt him/her around 10 weeks but I questioned whether or not my intestinal issues were the cause of the movement. Ha!
- Miss Anything? One large ceasar salad. :)
- Movement: YES! Definitely throughout the day now. Just the cute little flutters.
- Food cravings: Random! The need for everything spicy has finally subsided but now I tend to to gravitate towards sweets! Unfortunately I don't want to give in to this craving just in case the glucose test I have to take in a few weeks comes back higher like it did with Jackson. I cannot tell you how excited I was to have the first hour long test go as well as it did.
- Food aversions: Nothing really. Sometimes food in general doesn't sound the greatest.
- Gender: That's the big question!
- Labor Signs: Better not!
- Symptoms: My intestines literally hate me. They are on their own type of emotional roller coaster.
- Belly Button in or out? Half in. Half flat.
- Wedding rings on or off? On. And with a newly clean and dipped ring... I want to wear it as much as I can. :)
- Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Anxious to hear that little heartbeat.

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