
Welcome Wordless-ish Wednesday: Box Forts

The Bay Area was drenched with rain last week. Seriously everyday was RAIN! Prior to Munch's arrival into my life, I loved me some big ol' thunderstorms. Now? Well let's just say I view rainy days as a time for God to stretch my creative thoughts and ideas. Q: How do you entertain a 15 month old over a rainy day weekend when daddy is at work? A: You go out to the garage and you get creative. 
You then spend some time mentally preparing yourself for what the house will look like when you get home from work the next week when you know daddy's creative thoughts and ideas were also stretched. 
And so we have the...

Box Forts.

Today, I'm linking up with Take It From Me ladies. Join in and start following!


  1. I am following you from the Welcome Wednesday. When you get a chance please follow me back. Thanks!

  2. So cute! The little one definitely had fun:) hi hi Oh and I just landed on your blog and I'm glad I did. I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday blog hop and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    And don't forget to check our new Blog Tutorial going on today. It's very easy and it would look amazing on your blog:) See you there!
    Happy Thursday
